Saturday, June 17, 2017

YES CENTER: A Guide for the Empowerment of Young Women

Shahin Akhter, Member of YES Youth Group
Cox’s Bazar is the world largest sea beach area and we are proud of it. But unfortunately, people of this prestigious region are living a neglected and dark life. In this situation, the YES CENTER COX’S BAZAR becomes the guide of young people of Cox’s Bazar. 

The center is implementing many development activities in this region and with the marginalized youth of Cox’s Bazar for changing their livelihood. The YES CENTER COX’S BAZAR is a real resource in this region. It is situated in Ramu Upazilla of Cox’s Bazar district which is the South-eastern part of Bangladesh. 

The CENTER provides us different training facilities, especially for young women. I live in Cox’s Bazar and when I heard about the YES CENTER I expressed my interest and I got admitted. I received Life Skill Education training at first and many students, young boys and girls like me gained knowledge on life related information which helped us to develop our social competency, social behavior and problem solving skills. This training also helped to recognize our own identity and build our self confidence.

YES CENTER COX’S BAZAR provides 6 types of management and skill development training for the youth of Ramu Upazila of Cox’s Bazar district. These training are: ICT (Computer) training, Hotel Management, Tourist guide, Basic Accountancy & Book keeping, Office management & secretariat and English Language courses. Besides, Life Skill Education and school based Disaster Risk Reduction training are also arranged in the YES CENTER. Students are getting these training free of cost and it ensures young women participation in all the training.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

English literacy knowledge keeps you ahead of other youth…

YES Youth Group Member: Sayed Masud, Cox's Bazar
    English and ICT Knowledge are basic requirements of personal carrier development. Learning English is important for career development of a youth. Apart from our mother tongue (Bengali) we need to have a common language which makes us able to communicate with other parts of the world. English is the common language which is known to most of the people in the world. 

    It is very important to speak good English because an effective communication can reach people better. 

    To realizing the situation I was admitted to the English language course of YES CENTER COX’S BAZAR. The length of this course was three months. Here I have learnt how to communicate in English for instance, in speaking and writing. 

    At the beginning, I felt shy and unnatural. But after some time I got a growing expertise in communication in English. In that consequence, I got a chance to work at the Refugee Camp in Cox's Bazar under the World Food Program (WFP).

    I am now working here as a field researcher. I believed this is only possible for having knowledge in English literacy. And I am thankful to the YES CENTER project for giving me this opportunity. I am also requesting other young people of Cox's Bazar for taking the training in English language course.