Sunday, October 22, 2017

Awareness on technical education among the young people in Bangladesh

Blogger: Sumi Akter
Sumi Akter: The education that increases the practical and technical knowledge and skills for a specific occupation is called vocational education. The vocational education prepares a person to work in agriculture, trade, a craft, or industry as a technical or in professional vocations through a combination of theoretical teaching and practical experience. It helps people to increase their capacity, better performance in their jobs and involve them with creative and productive activities. Once upon a time we had endless natural resources and people lived happily  their life. But now the population has increased tremendously and this population growth creates pressure on our remaining natural resources. So it is very important to develop a person as a human resource.  One of the objectives of vocational training is to promote a balancing of supply and demand for skilled labor in both wage employment and for skills needed for self-employment in rural and urban areas. Vocational education has been given the role of transforming of our country’s economy and to meet the demands of the labor market. It enriches a person for life and it provides the competences which are necessary in a democratic society. Societal and economic development depends on the strength of vocational education as it provides access to skills and entry routes into the labor market.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Procession of lost

Jannatul Hafsa
Jannatul Hafsa: Since August 25, 2017 when violence escalated in Myanmar's Rakhine State, more than 500,000 people including children and adults from the ethnic Rohingya minority of Myanmar crossed over to Cox’s Bazar and Bandarban district in Bangladesh fearing for their lives. Many of those crossing into Bangladesh arrive exhausted, sick and hungry after enduring days on the move. Among them many are pregnant and lactating women, and children under five. More than 70% of the refugees are without adequate shelter, food, sanitation facilities and half have no safe drinking water. This is a large scale and escalating humanitarian crisis. They are living in terrible conditions and need life-saving assistance now. According to UNHCR, they join the more than 400,000 others already living there in cramped makeshift camps since the early 1990s. Existing camps and the ones newly being set up are inadequate to deal with the massive influx, resulting in many seeking shelter under open skies, by the roadside and in forest & hill areas with little or no protection.